Introducing a remedy for business chaos and stagnation - Stand Marketing
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Introducing a remedy for business chaos and stagnation

Introducing a remedy for business chaos and stagnation

If there’s one thing we can all agree on it’s that we’re living in uncharted territory. Nothing’s as it used to be. Take your pick – high inflation, supply chain interruptions, labor shortages, political chaos, culture wars, AI, unrelenting social media, foreign bots, hacking and the lingering controversy over what to do about COVID. And let’s not forget driverless cars!

We can all agree that our businesses have in one way or another been stymied by the chaos. Yet, in the midst of it lie unlimited opportunities.

If your business isn’t living up to your expectations, if you’re feeling confused, frustrated, disappointed or overwhelmed by it all, you’re not alone.

And you’re not alone if you want to do something about it.

If your business serves other businesses, you can benefit from a method known and celebrated by leading B2C brands that have used it to grow from small start-ups into famous household names.

No matter your business – manufacturing, construction, contracting, business services or technology – you can use this method to regain your mojo in our changing world.

Specifically, it can help you:

  • Eliminate chaos and put yourself back in control.
  • Identify and attract customers who value what you do, pay you what you’re worth and return again and again.
  • Stop selling on price so you can increase your cash flow, end your anxiety over covering expenses and restore your confidence in the present and future of your business.
  • Inspire and empower your people to work harder and smarter, value their jobs and your customers and make better decisions that will help grow your business.
  • Transform your employees and your customers into brand ambassadors who will turn your growing business into a leader in your industry.

I’ve used this method to help more than 50 businesses regain their mojo, but this is my first time offering it as a stand-alone strictly to B2B enterprises.

If you’d like to know more, please click here to register for my free 30-minute webinar. The need for this service is so dire I’m launching it before even placing it on my website.


Carol S. Niemi, PhD