Full-service Atlanta-based marketing and PR/Stand Marketing, LLC
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Someone else’s will.

If your business doesn’t stand out…

Someone else’s will.

If your brand doesn’t
stand out…

To stand OUT, you have to stand FOR something.

What do you stand for?

Do you know how to say it so everyone inside and outside your company understands – so customers want to do business with you and employees are inspired to help meet your objectives?  What you stand for is way more than just features and benefits.  Figuring it out makes you a brand.


Too busy to do it yourself? No worries. That’s why we’re here.

Benefits of standing for something


  • Everyone inside and outside your company knows what you do and why you do it.
  • Employees become brand ambassadors and better employees.
  • Customers are more loyal.
  • You stop reinventing the wheel with every project.
  • You build the most valuable intangible asset on your balance sheet.

Who is Stand Marketing?


A full-service Atlanta-based B2B marketing and public relations consultancy led by Carol S. Niemi, PhD, an award-winning writer/brand strategist with a track record of results with more than 50 brands.


With Stand Marketing, you get the equivalent of an in-house marketing department without actually hiring anyone.

Businesses don’t buy products. People do. And people are more likely to do business with companies that stand for something they understand, support and want. If you don’t stand for something, you stand for nothing. You’re not a brand. You may have great features and benefits, but so does your competition. What sets you apart is what you stand for – the one main compelling idea that will integrate and unify everything you do both inside and outside your company.


What is a brand?


Your brand is what you stand for in the minds of your customers, prospects, employees, investors and – yes – your competition. If you think about it, you probably DO stand for something. You may just need a little help figuring it out. When you do, you’ll have a foundation for everything else you do – from sales and marketing to manufacturing and customer service. Your market will know what to expect from you, and your employees will know what you expect from them.


What do we stand for?


We stand for you. We’re here to help your brand stand out. Contact Carol@StandMarketing.com or 770-394-3829.




Your brand is the most valuable intangible asset on your balance sheet. Invest wisely.

Contact us for a complimentary analysis

of your current marketing communications.


Please call 770-394-3829 or email carol@standmarketing.com.